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Everything posted by Pepepastrónomo

  1. Hello everybody! are there any videos that show how to perform MLPT? Before Syncing in SEQUENCE ..you have to erase the old configuration ,right?? how do you do it and where is located that configuration??? thanks Pepe
  2. Hello again ,Mark. Thanks for your reply. No ,I don´t have the Seq. Manual 2.0 in Sequence ,there´s a banner to send the curve acquired to Auto slew...and that is what I do... after that ,not only the first one but the following ones ,are useless...most of the time. Only IN one ocassion ,I remember ,it was good ,excellent...the rest of the time,useless. Regards Jose
  3. Hello to all again. I am having problems with Sequence and MLPT. I start sequence,do the SYNC whn the object is centered...sometimes get a huge "DELTA" in AR AND DEC ,other times ,0 and 0 ... when getting 0 and 0 ,start MLPT ,GET A NICE FLAT CURVE AND SEND IT TO AUTOSLEW. But when the first image downloads ,the objet and the stars are terribly elongated. Do you have any ideas? thanks in advance. would love to have a detailed procedure to use SEQUENCE and MLPT,with all the neccesary steps in order. Jose
  4. Thanks a lot for your info. Now,I understand. Jose
  5. Thanks Stephan. One more question...what is the difference between a .cfg file and a .poi file? when doing polar alignment ,the resulting file is a .poi file ,but when starting Autoslew it loads a .cfg file and the .poi file doesn´t show up.
  6. Hello to everybody. I am having troubles loading the .pox files It created Sequence. Once I solve the folder ,where is it saved? which filename gets? how do I load the .pox file in Autoslew? and why My old .poi file,which was good to -0.5 az. -0.3 elvation disappeard from the .in file? thanks Jose
  7. Hello ,Luke. just one question...how much did it cost you to send the mount to ASA and get it fixed? thanks Jose
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