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LBN 552


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This nebular region in Cepheus sits just over 11 degrees from Polaris, and largely consists of a diffuse dark nebula and bright nebula cataloged by Beverly T. Lynds in 1965 as LDN 1228 and LBN 552, respectively. Near the center of the image sits a unique orange reflection nebula, cataloged both as GN 21.00.4 and Cohen 129, which appears as a hill popping from the dimmer diffuse nebula region. This frame shows only part of the LBN 552 and LDN 1228 structures, which cover a much larger area and themselves are part of an even larger system of clouds in this area of the Milky Way.
Thank you very much 

Credit :

Thomas LELU
Newton ASA 10’'
Paramount MyT
CCD Moravian G2-4000
Astrodon Luminance : 15h55
Astrodon Green : 2h
Astrodon Red : 2h
Astrodon Blue : 2h
Total exposure : 21h55
FRANCE - Lorraine



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