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Posts posted by Mark

  1. This is a known problem that created huge issues for me, led to tens of hours of consulting with ASA.  Changed converter cables, control boxes, control cables, software drivers, etc.


    Currently, I am using a MOXA USB-Serial convertor cable rather than the one that ASA provides - at ASA's own recommendation.  Nonetheless, autoslew cannot find the comport automatically.  So I need to go into autolsew and correct the comport in the settings there, save that and then restart.


    Hope that helps.  Don't know why the ASA software struggles with something as basic as connecting to its own hardware.

  2. I wrestled with this for a while.  I reported it to ASA, but it never got fixed.  It is another example of ASA software that is broken and it is very frustrating.  They have fixed other issues I have identified in their software, so I am unclear as to why they focus on some and not others.

    My solution was, like yours, to control the dome synchronization using other software.  

    To address the timing issue, in Sequence, I set a mount settle time that is long enough to allow the longest slew required by autopoint during a model build.  That adds a lot of time to the model build, but since I do those infrequently, it is a workaround that I can live with.


    There is a better solution - a fellow ASA user has built a NINA plug in that will do autopoints job, and NINA controls the dome correctly.


  3. Curious as to whether you ever figure out how to start the fans with a script or ASCOM?  For the covers, you can connect ACC through Alpaca as a flat device, and that gives you control.


    I have just set up my ASA600 at Obstech in Chile and would love to compare notes, as there are not a lot of us out there.

  4. I am having a little trouble getting my head around the synch command in Sequence and the set home position command in autoslew.

    I believe that the set home position command in autoslew tells the mount that the Ra/Dec coordinates it is currently at are correct and correspond to whatever points the encoders are currently pointing at.  From that information, when given an RA/DEC coordinate pair, the mount software can translate that into encoder positions and slew there.  Is this correct?

    What then does the synch command do in autoslew?  ANd what does the synch command do in Sequence?


    Happy to read explanations in the documentation if anyone can point me to where to look.  Otherwise would be grateful for any learning someone can share.

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