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Posts posted by nomis

  1. Hello!


    There are 3 commands I know of that were not listed in the file you gave in the other topic:


    (1 & 2): These 2 commands were developed upon our request. I am not sure they will be of much use for others. (We have the telescope on a high tower which tends to socillate with temperature changes, so we needed the possibility to update the polaraxis parmaeter in autoslew accordinfg to the oscillation(inclination) of our tower to correct the pointing model.)


    3 This commands allow to change the pointing model in use. Note that I think autoSlew should be restarted afterward in order to take into account the new file.



    public static void updatePolarAxisParams(double az, double al) {  

                myDDM160_Mount.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAz", az.ToString());

                myDDM160_Mount.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAl", al.ToString());




            public static void updatePolarAxisParams(int az, int al)


                myDDM160_Mount.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAz", az.ToString());

                myDDM160_Mount.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAl", al.ToString());



            public static void changePointingModel(string fullPath) {



  2. I reply to my own question ... the following commands are working as expected.....


    Why the hell could they not list all the available functions in the supported actions as any normal driver would .... mhhh DAMN ASA



    myDDM160 = new Telescope("AstrooptikServer.Telescope");

    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:MotorOff", "");

    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:MotorOn", "");
  3. Hello all,


    I was wondering if any of you know if it is possible to send a command (from an external program) to Autoslew to stop the motors (and to turn them ON)?


    I know I can set, in the settings of Autoslew, the possibility to stop the motors when we stop tracking, but that won't work for our case.


    I would like to send the command from an ACP script ideally or through the ASCOM driver.


    Using the AstrooptikServer.Telescope, there is already the possibility to update the azimuth and altitude of the Polaraxis in real-time:

    (Note that we asked and paid the developers to add these two additional actions for our project). They never got documented anywhere though (not even present in the supportedActions list of the driver).


    double az, al;

    myDDM160t = new Telescope("AstrooptikServer.Telescope");

    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAz", az.ToString());
    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:UpdatePolarAxisAl", al.ToString());
    Now I would also like to have the possibility to do the following or something similar:
    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:SetMotorsOFF", 0);
    myDDM160.Action("Telescope:SetMotorsON", 0);
    Anyone knows of such functionality ?
    Note that I am currently using Autoslew version
  4. Hello !


    I am raising this topic again as I still have troubles Parking the Scope correctly.


    I have updated Autoslew to latest version ( but still have ACP in version 7.0 (build 2). ACP talks to POTH.Hub where the telescope (Astrooptik) is set.


    The problem  happens when the scope is on the east side of the Pier and a park command is issued. (The park position being on the West side of the PIER). 


    When I tell it to Telescope.Park() from an ACP script (see below for the full script), the Telescope slews correctly to a position where it looks to the Zenith on the West side of Pier (which does not correspond to any Park position set...) and then hangs here waiting ..... 


    This does not happen when, before issuing the Park command, the Telescope is oriented closer from the park positition (in WEST side of pier, or at least less far from the park posotion).


    While ACP is hanging on its script to end, altough it has manually slewed to a close to Zenith position, if I manually press the Park and Goto commands in Autoslew, then the scope goes to the correct Park Position and the script returns succesfully. 


    Therefore, I tried to create an automatic procedure (C# program):

    - run the ParkScope script (ACP.LoadScript(...) & ACP.RunScript(....))

    - Abort the script (ACP.AbortScript()) 

    - Run again ParkScope script (ACP.LoadScript(...) & ACP.RunScript(....))


    However, when I prgrammatically Abort the script, ACP fails because it is still waiting on the ParkCommand and at then end, ACP displays a pop-up message indicating the the scope may be parked ....



    Another problem that worries me:


    During my tests, I oberved the following behaviour:

    (This tests have been made only using Autoslew, no external programs)


    1. I start Autoslew, 

    2. I Home the scope

    3. I Park the scope

    4. I close Autoslew by pressing the "closing-cross" (upper right of the window)

    5. Autoslews closes and then The Telescope slews to this weird ~Zenith position (maybe the Home ?). this position is similar to the one when issing park command.


    I suspect this is not a normal behaviour .... ? Or did I miss something ?

    // ParkScopeScript.js - ACP Scope Parking Script
    function main()
    	Console.PrintLine("Gornergrat - Custom Scope Parking Script");
        if(Telescope.Connected) {
    		Console.PrintLine("Current status: Telescope At Park = " +Telescope.AtPark + " , Tracking = " + Telescope.Tracking);
    		Console.PrintLine("Parking scope - set Tracking to false"); 
    		Console.PrintLine("TEST Parking scope - set Tracking to True"); 
    		Telescope.Tracking = true;
    		// Park the scope if possible, and/or close/park dome
    			Console.PrintLine("Telescope is now parked"); 
    			Console.PrintLine("Disconnecting telescope"); 
    			Telescope.Connected = false;                                // Disconnect it from ACP
    			Console.PrintLine("Telescope was not parked succesfully");
    	    Console.PrintLine("Telescope was not connected - Could not park it");
  5. Hello Dale,


    I do not know if this is what you are talking about:


    Change the pointing model used in Autoslew from scripts (javascript from ACP in our case).

    When you have several scopes on the mount, the idea is to automatically change the pointing model in autoslew according to the mount being used. 


    But the version of Autoslew we use is the these functions have been specifically added for us, they should be available in fututre releases..



  6. Hi Lukas,


    The DDM160 is working nicely. We still haven't tested it extensively as it is a large project involving many persons and the observatory is not easily reachable.

    We will be taking our first pictures in the upcoming days.


    We have a Rila600 mounted and a Mewlon250. A Takahashi 150 should also be mounted in the upcoming months.

    You may have a look at our installation using the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stellariumgornergrat

    You may recognize the Matterhorn in the background ... Maybe we can see the Dolomites from up there :-)



  7. Hello Lukas,


    Thanks for your reply.


    Indeed, I had read your messages related to AtPark being true even when not parked.

    Sadly trying to turn on/off tracking before parking did not solve anything in my case (I tried, hoping it might help in any way ...)


    The problem is really the ASCOM park command not being correctly handled in Autoslew.


    But indeed, I believe there are quite a few glitches in ASCOM drivers of Autoslew and autoslew itself, and I really hope they can provide an update soon.

    I also hope that this bug only happens in simulation mode ... I'll test that when I'll be around the Telescope.



  8. Hello,



    I have a DDM160 mount, and I am using ACP 7.0/ASCOM6.0 to control the mount and Autoslew is version 

    I have Autoslew in simulation mode as I am currently doing some remote commissioning for a large software.


    I have found a random bug or problem with the Park command when issued from POTH HUB (ASCOM).



    I issue the Park command from ACP (pressing the menu or using scripts).

    ACP hangs out eternally while waiting for the scope to be Parked.


    The command is issued from ACP to POTH Hub and then to Autoslew. The problem is that altough the park command is issued and autoslew console indicates the following,                    

    You have reached the park position, guiding has stopped

    POTH never receives the information and keeps thinking it is not parked. (Thus ACP command hangs forever). The only solution being to manually press on the POTH GUI button to Park the scope again. Which usually parks the scope (note that I sometime have to press twice on this button).


    I believe it is a bug in Autoslew which does not return correctly AtPark to POTH. Indeed in POTH traffic monitor, it displays the following

    Park (done)
    AtPark: False
    AtPark: False
    AtPark: False

    Note that the bug is random but appears very often. Sometimes the telescope is parked immediately; most of the times pressing once the button in POTH is enough, sometimes I have to press twice. Note that manually issuing a goto park position directly from Autoslew also solves the problem.


    The bug may also be replicated using only POTH HUB and Autoslew in simulation:

    Start POTH Hub, connect to Autoslew, Unpark , move the telescope using autoslew to a different position, then Park from POTH GUI.

    Sometime it will happen that, after the Park, POTH still shows the Park button altough the scope is already parked. (POTH GUI should show Unpark)




    I believe/hope it only happens in simulation mode and not with the real motors !!

    Are you aware of this bug, have you also noticed it ?




    Best regards,




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