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Everything posted by NorbertG

  1. Yes, would be nice to have a "current" Version... but it is a feature you need for analysis of problems we shouldn´t have at all. Maybe it makes more sense to have it available in a "Analysis mode" to allow systematic tracking of problems without the need for a remote session. I would prefer to have the closed loop for positioning as clean as possible. Norbert
  2. Good to know. Hope the new version will be released soon... Thanks, Lukas
  3. Ian, at least for the current version you need the Full PinPoint version. The included LE Version is not scriptable. But I must admit I don´t know how the next Sequence version will look like, maybe someone from ASA or the beta testers can comment on this topic. I also heard rumours that it is necessary to use MaximDL 6 ? Best regards Norbert
  4. Ian, as George pointed out, you need both. But there is one good thing: you don´t need to learn them if you don´t want. Just make sure the camera is set up correctly in Maxim, and Sequence will control everything. You don´t see PinPoint even running, it just has to be there. After the pointing model or MLPT is done, you might continue as before. Nevertheless, once you have Maxim you might consider to use it for the whole acquisition Task, but this requires some learning. Both programs arer available as 30 days Trial.
  5. Hi Markus, did you measure the settle time in sequence ? Sometimes it takes quite long depending on wind, PID and Balance. When you do the pointing manually you won´t see it, but MLPT will do. If your exposure for MLPT is short you might t take the Image at the wrong position. Did you look at the pointing pics ? If settle time is a problem you might see trails there. Norbert
  6. sorry, the link I gave was wrong. Due to some strange behaviour of my browser I cannot copy it. The Name of the part at OPT is "ASA Connection plate Adapter for DDM60" item# A2-8522DC I apologize for the inconvenience. Norbert
  7. Dear All, as new customer I would be totally confused now. Wojtek, the DDM60 clamp/saddle does not fit directly to the DDM85. Gerald, have you seen this ? http://optcorp.com/asa-ddm60-saddle-for-losmandy-dovetail-plates.html I guess thats similar in functionality to what you have built. I don´t see it on the ASA Homepage yet. The description by OPT seems to be wrong because they mention it as accessory for the DDM60. Am I wrong or could "prefetch" use both the original ASA clamp and the connector plate to Mount the C11 without the need for drilling ? By the way, the C11 is available with different Adapters (losmandy, GP) or even worse it could be from a fork Mount ? What is the case here ? Finally, the complete ASA solution is around 400$, and you end up with two clamps (the original 4" of the Mount and the DDM60 clamp). In fact all one needs is a pair of mounting brackets (as they are available from Losmandy but only in combination with their 3" plates) for a C11 to be screwed on an original ASA Dovetail plate. best regards Norbert
  8. Nigel, yes, but it is a different Mount. I can also confirm that it is much easier to run the 10inch Newton (appx 19 - 20 kg) compared to my C8 with less than 9kg total. Trying to run just a small refractor is nearly impossible without extra weight, but I think that is not only a balance problem, maybe also the preload of the roller bearings fits better to the higher weight. I cannot even balance the C8 manually, with the Newton it is no problem to get nearly the same if you do it manually or with the Software routine.
  9. Jay, I was just kidding. I will never dictate anybody what to post or not, I apologize if that was the impression. Maybe my english was not good enough to express that. but as non-digital native my usage of smileys wouldn´t be less ambiguous I am afraid. Back to the original topic: The sensitivity of the DDM to balancing is critical, but if one searches in astronomy forums it apperas as it should be necessary to adjust it to the last gramm (or put a coin with tape on the tube). For a mobile setup of my DDM60 I don´t need a caliper to bring the counterweights or tube in Position. If I remove the cover or change a cable it is rather unlikely that I need to rebalance. (of course the markers I use were done with the final configuration and the "imbalanced" operation is mainly limited to the setup procedures, like checking collimation with an eyepiece etc. So in general the need for balance is a little bit inconveniant, but there are many work arounds to live with it. The issue might be different for a permanent or remote setup due to the larger variety in mount positions.
  10. nice... but we should wait with links to the competitors until the next autoslew is released... until that the ASA H type is superior and we consider it as links to interesting guider scopes, don´t we ?
  11. George, you are correct, that the unguided Operation does not allow any changes. But your answer implies even a finder is not necessaary. But for mobile usage you need it., although it could be a very simple one. (I am also wondering if the thread opener is talking about guiding scope or finder scope ? ). Just the first sync´s require the finder, then you can take it off. I have put a light weight 90degree finder on a bar on top of the tube rings and I can move it along the bar to adjust the Balance in DEC. Since every f/3 scope is newtonian style (except for Schmidt cameras) so the change of the focuser/Image train direction alone will not allow tube rotation without screwing up everything. regards Norbert
  12. Hi, what about mounting the guide scope on the tube rings ? Regards Norbert
  13. Hello, I do not know the new beta Version, so maybe the question is obsolete. Right now sequence MLPT is calculating the lcoal path of the scope, and the whole acquisition is done "blind" for the whole exposure. Wouldn´t it make sense to use a short measurement after each acqisition point to compensate for timeflex ? It woud be like hopping from one Point to the next, doing LPT after every exposure (maybe not necessarily over the whole acqusiiton time but the next 2 or 3 Points) This should reduce timeflex problems to a minimum. Of course it requires a continous control of the acquisition by sequence instead of MaximDL directly. best regards Norbert
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