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Unable to connect/control DDM85 Via ASCOM - Potential ASCOM Non-Conformance Issues


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Hi there I am having issues controlling my DDM85 Std from my preferred planetarium app which is SkySafari.  Note that I can use Stellarium without any issues, but I dislike the interface and would much prefer to get SkySafari working, now that the networking capability is there via ASCOM Alpaca and ASCOM Remote.

The communication chain is:

SkySafari7 Pro - iOS 
Utilising ASCOM Alpaca Over Wifi
ASCOM Remote running on Windows 11
AstrooptikServer.Telescope (Autoslew)

I can verify that SkySafari is able to communicate with Autoslew however SkySafari fails to achieve an enduring connection as it fails after a short while with:

Connection Failure
SkySafari 7 Pro can make a wireless network connection to the Alpaca server, but the scope returned error "'System.__ComObject' does not  contain a definition for 'AxisRates'.

Here are the logs from ASCOM Remote:

Device Telescope 0 (AstrooptikServer.Telescope) connected OK and is available
ASCOM Remote Alpaca device listening URI:
Listening for IPv4 discovery broadcasts on port 32227.
IPv6 discovery not enabled.
Server started successfully.
GET /management/apiversions
GET /management/v1/configureddevices
PUT /api/v1/telescope/0/connected
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canslewasync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canslewaltazasync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansyncaltaz
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canpark
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansettracking
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canmoveaxis
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canmoveaxis
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/axisrates

and this as far as it gets in the sequence.

I have spoken to both Simulation Curriculum and contributors to the ASCOM Group Forum and arising from this I have been able to run ASCOM conformance tests against the AstrooptikServer.Telescope driver, the logs from which are attached.   The files are named according to tests run against the native Windows ASCOM driver itself, as well as Alpaca protocol tests.  There appear to be a number of potential non-conformance issues with the driver.

Please can you assist me in getting to a solution, failing this, constructive feedback would be useful so that I can go back to the ASCOM Forum and SimCur with additional information.

Kind Regards
Paul J.

WinASCOMconform.report.txt WinASCOM.ConformU.1926.369220.txt Alpacaconform.report.txt Alpaca.ASCOM.ConformU.1923.001500.txt Alpaca.ASCOM.RemoteServer.1921.216150.txt Alpaca.ASCOM.ServerAccessLog.1921.388630.txt

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