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Posts posted by Jay

  1. Got a new computer to the observatory (with Windows 8.1). Had no problem installing all other programs to the computer but used a lot of time and effort trying to install Autoslew and Sequence. Tried installing all (old, new and beta) versions but every freaking time got some kind of net framework or other problems ...nothing seemed to work. Finally tried an old trick changing the decimal point from , to . (from settings) ...and everything started working like charm. 


    I'm happy that finally everything is functioning well but this shouldn't be possible to happen. I'm not an computer expert but no other programs (and I have quite a few) had that issue. So a logical conclusion is that it's a feature/bug in the Autoslew and Sequence.



  2. I have similar behavior but it's not only with Autoslew, other programs report that also (like MaximDL) when closed down. However, never so many programs ...more like 2 or 3. I can get rid of those notifications by closing down running programs in a certain order but it's not worth the effort (for me). I'll restart the computer every time anyway when having a new session.



  3. Hi


    I don't have the ASA GPS but they are all functioning the same way, so couple of comments....


    The GPS will find satellites and will be turned on automatically every time you start Autoslew. There might be some connection problems time to time (when starting the Autoslew) but they usually don't last very long (at least for me) Still haven't figured out why those connection issues appear sometime but it's hasn't been a real problem just an annoying feature. 


    Haven't thought about the GPS time and computer time issue but will check that the next time when at the observatory.


    Best regards


  4. Haven't (luckily) experienced similar problems but some smaller mysteries anyway...


    E.g I'm using a GPS module in connection with AS and most of the time it works fine. However, sometime when starting the system there is no connection to the GPS module, what ever I do. Then suddenly the connection can reappear and everything is functioning as usual. Haven't been able to find any reason for that behavior, and I'm doing everything exactly the same every single time when starting the system. The irritating factor is the lack of reliability and no way to fix it.  

  5. Hi


    I know the documentation tells you to use the administrator mode (Autoslew and Sequence) but I've never been able to make it work well that way in my windows 7 ...and have really tried. 


    I usually let MaxPilote to handle everything because I use it for running the whole show. Check it out sometime, it's free and IMO better than Autopilot5 (I also have).


    Anyway have had some problems lately with FocusMax and Maxim (don't really know why probably some weird Windows updates again?) , so I'll open the system semi manually at the moment....


    1) Autoslew

    2) Maxim which connects automatically to telescope (POTH hub-Astrooptik)), focuser controller (Seletek) and turns on my camera (SBIG)

    3) FocusMax and SkyX (Ascom POTH to telescope)

    4) Sequence 


    Like this everything runs smoothly and no problems.

    I have reported those issues when running Autoslew/Sequence with "administrator mode" and some other people have experienced similar problems but the manual still recommends using it. Maybe ASA will finally put a warning or something into the manual. 


    P.S. not quite sure if I'm running the SkyX in administrator mode or not but don't think it matters. It's the Autoslew and Sequence that start acting funny when using administrator mode. 

  6. I would do the balancing as perfect as possible before trying to do the (final) tuning part. Luckily it can all be done during the day...


    There is a very handy automated 3 star polar align routine in the Autoslew Sequence.You can get a quite accurate polar alignment even with that. 



    EDIT: meant to say Sequence not Autoslew

  7. Hi 

    Had to go and check :)  ..anyway when I turn on the power all that happens is that the red LED comes on. And no you don't have to push anything it happens automatically. (I have the DDM60)

    Your problem is quite odd because the mount should have been tested pretty thoroughly before leaving the factory. And there should be a signed certificate who has done the testing.

    P.S. call ASA if you can and ask for Martin or Dietmar because that's the best way to contact them. 

  8. I'm not sure if it's possible to balance the mount well enough manually without using the "balance function graphs". I wonder how well the mount is actually balanced if the alignment of the graphs is way off. Also the graphs have to aligned in all different mount positions not just in one position.


    One thing I've noticed with some (heavier setups) is that I can't use the noise filter (especially RA axis) without getting lots of strange noise and vibration. Turning the filter OFF solved the problem.



  9. Couple of thoughts about the future development, even though it might be pretty much a question of different people having different preferences. A person having a mobile setup will probably value some features more than a person with a permanent setup, and maybe even using the setup remotely.


    I wouldn’t mind being able to operate the mount without a computer but for me it wouldn’t add much value because I’d be using a computer anyway. There has been a lot of talk (by the 10Micron people) how great it’s being able to operate the mount without a computer. However, that holds only true if you’re taking pictures with a DSLR camera semi-manually or using it for visual. If using a CCD camera or operating your mount remotely a computer is a must anyway.


    Another important aspect is the software. If using a hand pad only, it should include all the same functions included in the software package and it should be fully automated. Playing with a hand pad (or iPad)in the dark with semi-automated functions doesn't make much sense, especially if all that can be done easier and better with a computer.


    ASA mounts are used (mainly) for imaging and I’d guess that most of the users are having CCD cameras. I would also guess that quite a few have permanent setups and are using the whole system remotely like me. For me the most valuable aspects are reliability and being able to automate the whole process from the beginning to the end. And if something goes wrong …being able to reboot and start everything from the beginning …hopefully without manual interference as much as possible.   


    P.S. The direct drive technology is simply amazing :)            



    It seems I've found a document that states there is an extra step in setting up the mount with the DDM60...

    Setting up the DDM60 and DDM85 is done in the same way. The older DDM60 model used to have different kind of encoders and required some extra steps but not for quite a long time... 

  11. Thanks, Jeffrey


    Would you know if there would be any possibility that one could substitute TheSkyX camera add-in for Maxim DL?


    I know that Maxim DL uses Pinpoint and TheSkyX uses TPoint; perhaps thats the deal breaker.


    Clear Skies



    As far as I know, it´s not possible...

  12. Nigel,


    yes, but it is a different Mount. I  can also confirm that it is much easier to run the 10inch Newton (appx 19 - 20 kg) compared to my C8 with less than 9kg total. 

    Trying to run just a small refractor is nearly impossible without extra weight, but I think that is not only a balance problem, maybe also the preload of the roller bearings fits better to the higher weight. I cannot even balance the C8 manually, with the Newton it is no problem to get nearly the same if you do it manually or with the Software routine.  

    That is very interesting and quite the opposite from my experience, especially what comes to small refractors. When I'm using my 300mm camera lens and SBIG 8300 (with filter wheel) as a stand alone setup, it's VERY fast to tune and balance properly. (I have a DDM60 Pro)

  13. Sorry Norbert, a bit bad morning ;)


    I think all ASA mounts are very sensitive to right balancing. However, if your setup is very simple e.g. refractor and camera with not heavy guider scopes etc., it's quite easy to do re-balancing (if needed) quite fast. I would imagine that a more complicated system e.g. Newton with heavy camera +filter wheels might require a lot more time. And of course the heavier the setup is (and closer to the limit), the more demanding is doing the balancing properly.

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