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    Pintor impresionista Joaquín Sorolla

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  1. Hello, Of course the problem described below can be compensated with StarAlignment, then DynamicCrop... however the problem would deserve an explanation for me. I photograph NGC 6853 on October 16, 2019, then the next day, at the same time, with the same filter, and the counterweights in the same direction. Sequence uses MLPT for each series of shots, with a residual error of less than 1 arcsec. The file NGC 6853.trg contains the coordinates of the target: - RA 20h 00m 29s - DEC +22° 47' 00" On October 16th ImageSolver + FITS Header give me the coordinates of the center of the image: - OBJCTRA 19h 59m 39s (angular error 00° 12' 30") - OBJCTDEC +22° 43' 31" (angular error 00° 03' 29") October 17 - OBJCTRA 19h 59m 27s (angular error 00° 15' 30") - OBJCTDEC +22° 42' 38" (angular error 00° 04' 22") 1 - Images are not centered on the position specified in NGC 6853.trg 2 - Between October 16 and 17, the images are, in addition, frankly shifted between them. This is where the problem arises for me: - delta RA 00° 03' 00" - delta DEC 00° 00' 00' 53" If someone can help me understand this both problems… La Cebra
  2. Indeed, Sequence requires that the "d" be used, in order to specify the value of DEC rather than to comply with the international standard "°"
  3. Your problem seems so big (as an exception!) that it could well be hidden in a configuration file, so not very far away... There are still others to explore next (with the list of filters for example). Tonight, heavy rain ongoing. So I don't touch the telescope computer. Tomorrow, I think. Good luck tonight.
  4. 1/ "Details " Click in the window messages Ctrl+A (select all) Ctrl+C (copy) NotePad : Ctrl+V (Paste) 2/ Please : The file .trg (target) 3/ Save the sequence before "Run Now" Copy here the code of the .seq file (sequence) With this three items I can replicate your situation, here or no ! I hope you are gradually learning French written in English words. La Cebra
  5. I have a lot of trouble reading the screenshot. It's too fuzzy! But I think I can guess a well-known exception message: "Index was outside of the bounds of the array" (Please specify the exact text). It would also be interesting to know the list of messages located in "Details" When several tasks are to be performed consecutively (Luminance x 10, Red x 10, Green x10, Green x10, Blue x 10, Ha x 10) they are placed in an "container" in RAM memory. The above container should have 5 positions, for all 5 tasks. These tasks are numbered from 0 to 4. (computer scientist's secret, we start counting from zero ) If the form is misfilled/completed (by you) the pointer (index) of the task to be executed may be outside the range 0-4 (out of bounds). The program cannot perform an imaginary task that is outside the container. The index can, for example, have the value 7!!!!! Why not, but unlikely. ? The most likely is that it contains the value -1 (no data in the form). I seem to have specified that a filter was missing in one of your exp files. In this case the value would therefore be -1 This causes an exception... and P. Keller did not write a manager for this exception at this location in order to avoid this catastrophe!!!!! It is now necessary to verify that what I imagine with this some information corresponds well to the reality. I am still working on explaining "What unmanaged exceptions are ?", but there was a week of clear nights with a rather weak seeing. La Cebra
  6. Hello Dave, I would like to read the contents of the files you are currently using: 1 - All night tasks The one with a ".sqe" extension in ProgramData\ASA\Sequence\ExposureSettings (for me at home ExposureFiles) 2 - Task details for each line of the previous file (.sqe) So, the one with a ".exp" extension in ProgramData\ASA\ASA\Sequence\ExposureSettings You can use private messaging (MP) La Cebra
  7. What I'm saying here is not necessarily the same problem as you... But near... AutoSlew uses a PID (proportional, integral, derivative controller) to quickly move the mount, then slow down when approaching its target, without exceeding it. This PID must be adjusted (with difficulty) according to the load of the mount, and the position of its barycenter. For me it's almost impossible! Almost in the direction of the North Star, the mount starts to rumble, shake, jump. I can hear it all the way into the house. Bearings, encoders? I have to permanently slow down the mount to 25% of its "commercial" speed to limit the problem. This is at the origin of loosening the primary mirror by the violence of vibrations. AstroSystem was informed in writing in October 2018. Answer "I'm on a trip abroad". Maybe for Christmas 2019? Or 2020??? These vibrations, blockages, cause the PID to "stall" (like 737-Max ) about once a night. He can't move the mount to his target. This also results in a stop of tracking and the stars become long lines. A image losted. But when it comes to moving to a star, the mount stops along the way. When it comes to the realization of MLPT, often from the first view, the plot of the curve is impossible, and so is MLPT. All the images in the series are then lost. It is necessary to monitor at the top of AutoSlew if the sidereal tracking indicator remains active, otherwise it becomes a terrestrial tracking. But I don't have any unmanaged exceptions. Sequence continues as if nothing happened. I don't know if it's the same problem as you? If some of the terms I use are mistranslated, don't hesitate to ask me to clarify their meaning. La Cebra (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)
  8. - Is it possible to get your old computer back to work with your old configuration? - The unmanaged exception appears from the first image, or later in the series? - This night I got an unmanaged exception "Exposure Aborted". Fortunately I hadn't gone to sleep yet. I started again and everything worked until 6:00. The exception window does not allow me to identify the origin of this error.... ForwardCallToInvokeMember : camera, mean, software, MaxIm, operating system, hub USB, NAS... (in French "à" indicates the place where the action takes place.) System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x0000FFFF): Exposure Aborted à System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData) à MaxIm.CCDCameraClass.get_ImageReady() à Sequencer.RunSequence.StartSequence() à Sequencer.frmSequenceRun.cmdRun_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  9. Hello, I am writing the memo to help understand what the exceptions are, and how to live with them without anxiety. I think I'll end this Sunday. Maybe I will send a PDF copy to P. Keller If someone could make a similar memo about Quality Insurance, it would also be beneficial. I don't know enough about it. Finally, for those who have a perfect know how of mechanical design, a third memo would be welcome… When there are hexagonal screws BTR under the mount with a 6mm high head, the well that should hide this head screw should not be 6mm too, but 6.8 or 7mm (?). The height of the screw heads is standardised, but each manufacturer is obliged to stamp its own mark on the head for reasons of legal traceability (in the event of an accident). After this striking, the rise of the chased metal modifies the height of some screw heads, which goes from 6mm to 6.3mm... That's the way it is in The Real Life. When adjusting the azimuth mount there is therefore 0.3mm of stainless steel protruding and scraping on the aluminium of the support. Stainless steel wins! The mount jumps when the aluminum gives way, and the star suddenly passes to the other side of the target! P. Keller works in mechanics, computer programming, like me I write English All this is a lot of amateurism for a much more expensive equipment than the average. La Cebra
  10. @George Thank you George, your method is even better @DaveS "why software should throw up unhandled exceptions at all..." I don't understand all the subtleties of English, and by far, so I answer below according to what I think understand... Two concepts must be separated: - the Sequence software cannot do otherwise than throw an exception in certain inconsistent situations! This is inevitable in "The Real Life". - P. Keller neglects to manage these exceptions. This is inexcusable. I will soon provide you with an explanation of what are .Net exceptions and how they are managed. Perhaps some will be interested? (P. Keller? ) La Cebra Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  11. (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator) 1 - Copying all windows of a screen: Print Screen key Copy of the active window only: Alt + Print Screen keys 2 - Unhandled Exception Errors: this message must never arrive on the user's screen. This is malpractice! So, write a one-page document about intercepting Try/Catch/Finally exceptions for .Net, then send it to P. Keller - Try: the portion of code you want to execute - Catch: the code to manage the exception(s) that may occur. This portion of code must make decisions in order to continue (without you!) the work as well as possible: start the task again, or move to the next image, or to the next object, or... The goal is not to stop the job (the images taken by the telescope while you are sleeping:)) - Finally: the code that must be executed after the Try, and possibly the Catch. To finish the job properly in both cases. 3 - Write a one-page document explaining that a Window form should only activate the Ok, Run, Go, Execute or any other button only after checking that all the necessary data has been entered and appears consistent. I have sometimes forgotten to designate the filter, or the number of frames to be taken, on one of the Sequence lines This must prevent much "Unhandled Exception Errors" during the night. 4 - If P. Keller does not succeed in achieving these two easy objectives, he will not be admitted to the final examinations for the Bac+2 course of study (basic programming technician). 5 - It was my job for ten years to train professional application designers with 5 years of higher education. It is clear that this person must go to training on this subjects, or, even better, entrust the specifications to an external company that will be able to do so properly. Right now it's just a shameful job! Dura lex sed lex.
  12. Hello George, 1 - I have a definite advantage with C# - CSharpFITS I was able to extract the functions I needed, then decode line by line what needed to be done. And then I copied/reprogrammed as needed (store my Bias, Darks, Flats, Lights images in SQL-Server). I mean, I forgot everything It is frankly more difficult in Delphi where sources are scarcer. 2 - Can you publish one of these images in the cloud, describe the shooting (software, camera, etc.), and finally make a synthesis of your current analyses. I'm not sure I have an immediate answer, however.... 3 - Astronomical photography is of the same nature as Lucky Luke : A long and lonely journey La Cebra (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)
  13. @Waldemar No, it's CSharpFITS - a complete C# library to FITS (but with a little bug ) https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_libraries.html#CSharpFITS DownLoad :http://voi.iucaa.in/voi/CSharpFITS.html
  14. @George You can see that... https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_libraries.html#delafits DeLaFits DeLaFits (free software, MIT License) is published on GitHub. DeLaFits is native for Delphi and Lazarus and is not a wrapper around another library. Features: building, reading, editing, and rendering of a FITS primary array image. DeLaFits supports only Single Image (one header and one data unit).
  15. Hi George, Several years ago, I processed "fits" images in an elementary way (autostrech). For that I used a library of functions in C#, NASA origin (?) There was indeed a "bug" in their source code. After correction everything worked well. If necessary, I could look for these elements. Good luck with that. La Cebra
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