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Posts posted by astrosirius

  1. Hello to everybody, this is a reprocessed photo of the M31 that I made one year ago.


    Place:        Ager-Lleida-Spain

    SQM:         21.3 - 21.6

    Dates:       Sep. & Oct. 2016




    Telescope:  GSO RC14 Truss

    Mount:        ASA DDM85

    Camera:      Moravian G2-8300

    Focuser:      Seletek Armadillo 2

    Flattener:    CCDT67 0.67x

    Exposure:    L: 18x300 sec bin1 RGB: 12x300 sec bin1

    Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop CC 2017

    Software:     MaximDL, Sequence,Autoslew

    Control Remote:  Talon6


    Best regards




    M31 Andromeda Galaxy Reprocesado 2017.jpg

  2. Hello to everybody, this is a reprocessed photo of the M31 that I made one year ago.


    Place:        Ager-Lleida-Spain

    SQM:         21.3 - 21.6

    Dates:       Sep. & Oct. 2016




    Telescope:  GSO RC14 Truss

    Mount:        ASA DDM85

    Camera:      Moravian G2-8300

    Focuser:      Seletek Armadillo 2

    Flattener:    CCDT67 0.67x

    Exposure:    L: 18x300 sec bin1 RGB: 12x300 sec bin1

    Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop CC 2017

    Software:     MaximDL, Sequence,Autoslew

    Control Remote:  Talon6




    Best regards



  3. Hello Robert


    I also turn on all the devices, including the mount before starting the computer to recognize better all the devices.


    For the USB connectivity I am using the Silex SX-DS-4000U2, that permit to connect by Ethernet cable to the hub router all the USB independently. I can swift on and off each one. So no need to be in the observatory in case you have problems.


    Clear Skies



  4. Thanks Luis !!!

    You´re really very kind, I´m pretty sure yo will show us a nice view with a higher focal length... as you have.

    So.. go for it !!!!

    Take care, Luis. 

    Best regards,


    Thank you friend!


    I am really eager to receive it, I hope end of October! Lets see what happens with the guiding, a focal distance of 3200 mm, uhmm fingers crossed.  :blink:  :D



    The best

    Luis Romero

  5. Good Morning Fabrice


    Please try to get in touch with me, I will try to help you in Spanish, as you know I am in Catalonia, so we have the same timetable.
    Please call me and i will try to help to you as much as I can.


    My cell phone is: 607.56.98.34 (directly call)


    If you have teamviewer, I can enter in your computer and help you to understanding the correct procedure, I think it will be a great helpfull, I hope so.


    Un abrazo amigo Fabrice!



  6. Wow Luis... and that youtube video... Just absolutely incredible what you guys accomplished together!!

    Chapeau and congratulations. I am kind of jealous now... ;)


    Hello Waldemar!


    Hope you are fine! Thank your for your words, we have done a great team working together.


    Take care, clear Skies!!

  7. This image is the result of the efforts of three astrophotographers, Miguel Angel García Borrella, Antonio Pérez Ambite and Lluis Romero Ventura that, using different equipment from their observatories located hundreds of kilometres away have chosen a common target to render the Orion Sword area (one of the most beautiful areas of our night sky) with the highest possible resolution and signal level.

    Lluis and Miguel Angel have contributed with high resolution images of the Great Orion nebula and the Running man nebula and Antonio with the magnificent field surrounding both nebulas. Miguel Angel has also contributed with a higher resolution image of the Trapezium composed by very short shots with a Takahasi Mewlon 250 telescope. It should be noted that Antonio's Observatory is located
    50 km north of Madrid, which means that the sky conditions are not optimal due to light pollution.


    For all this work four remote observatories have been involved, gathering images during more than two months, collecting the maximum possible amount of signal taking into account the poor climatology and lunations: The Astrosirius Observatory in Àger (Lleida), The Hyperion observatory in Caraquiz (Guadalajara), The SPAG Monfragüe observatory in Monfragüe (Cáceres) and one of the e-EyE observatories in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz).


    The final image was obtained from the assembly of all six tiles, four of them with the same exposure times in all channels (L-RGB) but with two different telescopes covering the Orion and the runnning man nebula, one more to define the Trapezium cluster and its surrounding area, with Very short integration times in the Ha and RGB channels and, finally, some hundreds of wide field images using medium
    exposure times that helped to resolve the dust clouds that surrounds the objects that compose the Orion Sword area.


    The best tool of each processing program was used, and dozens of final images were processed during three months, to obtain the best resolution and colour for each one.


    The total amount of integrated images were 808.


    Details Data:

    Place: Monfragüe-Cáceres-Spain // Àger-Lleida-Spain // Caraquiz-Guadalajara-Spain // Fregenal de la Sierra-Badajoz-Madrid

    SQM: 21.7 Average (except Caraquiz)

    Dates: From November 2016 till January 2017

    Telescopes: ODK 16 f76.8 // GSO RC14 Truss // ASA N10 // Takahashi Mewlon 250 f/11

    Mounts: TITAN 50 LOSMANDY // ASA DDM85 // ASA DDM85 // G11 LOSMANDY

    Cameres: SBIG STL 11000 C2 /AOL // Moravian G3-11000 // FLI 16803

    Exposure nebula x4 Mosaic HR: L: 21x900 sec bin1 // RGB: 21x900 sec bin1 // Ha: 21X1 sec bin1

    Exposure nebula Surrounding: L: 340x300 sec bin1 // RGB: 100x300 sec bin1

    Exposure Trapezium: L: 110x1 sec bin1 & 40x60sec bin1 // RGB: 40x60 sec bin1 // Ha: 10x600 sec bin1

    Processing: Pixinsight Cs6, MaximDL

    Software: CAP5, The SKY6, pixinsight, CcdStack, Sequence ASA, CCD Commander.

    Remote control: Talon6 ROR

    Copyright by:

    Miguel Ángel García Borrella: observatoriosspag.es/index.htm
    Antonio Pérez Ambité: www.datsi.fi.upm.es/Hyperion/astronomia.html
    Lluís Romero Ventura: astrophotographysirius.com/



    Mosaic of The Great Orion Nebulosa - Big HR -.jpg

    Mosaic of The Great Orion Nebulosa - HR -.jpg

  8. This image is the result of the efforts of three astrophotographers, Miguel Angel García Borrella, Antonio Pérez Ambite and Lluis Romero Ventura that, using different equipment from their observatories located hundreds of kilometres away have chosen a common target to render the Orion Sword area (one of the most beautiful areas of our night sky) with the highest possible resolution and signal level.

    Lluis and Miguel Angel have contributed with high resolution images of the Great Orion nebula and the Running man nebula and Antonio with the magnificent field surrounding both nebulas. Miguel Angel has also contributed with a higher resolution image of the Trapezium composed by very short shots with a Takahasi Mewlon 250 telescope. It should be noted that Antonio's Observatory is located
    50 km north of Madrid, which means that the sky conditions are not optimal due to light pollution.


    For all this work four remote observatories have been involved, gathering images during more than two months, collecting the maximum possible amount of signal taking into account the poor climatology and lunations: The Astrosirius Observatory in Àger (Lleida), The Hyperion observatory in Caraquiz (Guadalajara), The SPAG Monfragüe observatory in Monfragüe (Cáceres) and one of the e-EyE observatories in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz).


    The final image was obtained from the assembly of all six tiles, four of them with the same exposure times in all channels (L-RGB) but with two different telescopes covering the Orion and the runnning man nebula, one more to define the Trapezium cluster and its surrounding area, with Very short integration times in the Ha and RGB channels and, finally, some hundreds of wide field images using medium
    exposure times that helped to resolve the dust clouds that surrounds the objects that compose the Orion Sword area.


    The best tool of each processing program was used, and dozens of final images were processed during three months, to obtain the best resolution and colour for each one.


    The total amount of integrated images were 808.


    Details Data:

    Place: Monfragüe-Cáceres-Spain // Àger-Lleida-Spain // Caraquiz-Guadalajara-Spain // Fregenal de la Sierra-Badajoz-Madrid

    SQM: 21.7 Average (except Caraquiz)

    Dates: From November 2016 till January 2017

    Telescopes: ODK 16 f76.8 // GSO RC14 Truss // ASA N10 // Takahashi Mewlon 250 f/11

    Mounts: TITAN 50 LOSMANDY // ASA DDM85 // ASA DDM85 // G11 LOSMANDY

    Cameres: SBIG STL 11000 C2 /AOL // Moravian G3-11000 // FLI 16803

    Exposure nebula x4 Mosaic HR: L: 21x900 sec bin1 // RGB: 21x900 sec bin1 // Ha: 21X1 sec bin1

    Exposure nebula Surrounding: L: 340x300 sec bin1 // RGB: 100x300 sec bin1

    Exposure Trapezium: L: 110x1 sec bin1 & 40x60sec bin1 // RGB: 40x60 sec bin1 // Ha: 10x600 sec bin1

    Processing: Pixinsight Cs6, MaximDL

    Software: CAP5, The SKY6, pixinsight, CcdStack, Sequence ASA, CCD Commander.

    Remote control: Talon6 ROR

    Copyright by:

    Miguel Ángel García Borrella: observatoriosspag.es/index.htm
    Antonio Pérez Ambité: www.datsi.fi.upm.es/Hyperion/astronomia.html
    Lluís Romero Ventura: astrophotographysirius.com/



  9. Hello Waldemar,


    I am in business trip, sorry for the delay to answer you, but I have not too much accessibility in China.


    I never tried to connect directly to the computer, I always do by router, but as I understand can be possible. Please try to check the web site of Silexeuroope.com and download the Data sheet, it seems is possible.




    As I have read you can put an Ethernet cable Cat 6 with up to 100 mt and about the USB cable around 5 mts.


    Note: When you have said you have replaced the internal USB hub, as I understand you are talking that you sent the mount to ASA to repaired or did you it by yourself? I have been contacting with Martin Puch from ASA, he recommended to send the mount, but too much work for me in this moment, maybe in the future I will send to ASA to handle the internal HUB plus to install the Absolut encoders.


    Best regards

  10. Hello everyone.


    After many years working to solve my problems due to loss of connection in the DEC HUB axis, I have found a way, for that reason I would like to share with the entire ASA community, maybe I can help my friends and future buyers.


    I know I am not the only Person who have suffered such problems, but finally I give up, I think I am not the only person to give up this issue.


    I hope it helps and sorry for my poor English, maybe it's not the best, but I think understandable within the comunity.


    Best regards

    Lluís Romero.



    FINAL_SETUP_CABLES_FEB_2017 (1).jpg


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