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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by afesan

  1. Me love the camera too,Mark. I´m trying to improve some minor adjustments. I have some vignetting and a local turner is on the work of an adapting piece ( greater than the Moravian adapter).Even with the Moravian´s native adapter I had vignetting problems. Curious,

    BTW: Required assistance from ASA in order to fix some minor software focuser problems. Fast response and will have a remote session in next weeks ..when I can install in the remote observatory all required hardware.


  2. Molecular Cloud MBM 25 ( Lynx) * February 2017 * ASA N12 astrograph (f/3,6 1081mm) * DDM85 mount * G3 16200 Moravian * LRGB Baader filters * All subframes unguided - acquired with Sequence & Autoslew * L: 384min R:216min G:156 min B:232min *



    MBM 25 is a very diffuse molecular cloud that covers practically the whole image, extending in the constellation of the Lynx. These molecular clouds, also referred to as flow nebulae or galactic cirrus, are made up of gigantic dust and gas clouds of very low density (estimated to be between 25-50 particles per cubic centimeter), basically H and CO. They belong to our own galaxy but are located in high latitudes galactic, that is, above and below the main disk or galactic plane of the Milky Way. They are at distances of the order of thousands or tens of thousands of light years, much closer that distant galaxies that glows in the background (in this case, literally hundreds of them in the background) and whose vision and light filter us by getting in our visual. The dust disperses the blue light and reinforces a broad spectrum of red light, known effect known as "ERE "(Extended Red Emission). This sensibly attenuates blue glimpses and enhances the reds in visual images. These structures were first detected in 1984 by the infrared IRAS satellite and later studied in depth by Magnani, Blitz and Mundy constituting the MBM catalog. Credits: Wikipedia,Steve Mandel,Ignacio de la Cueva.


    MBM 25 (Lynx)

    73´s !
  3. hi,


    I need urgent the pinning/wiring between connector to ok3 and controlbox (8 wires)


    thanks and greetings


    Waldemar... Did you get the right pinning between OK3 focuser and the control Box?. I need it also..If you got it..Could tou sent it to me?.

    I´m experiencing problems with mine and need also this information, Thanks in advance!


  4. Thanks Mark....!!! I love dark nebulas...specially these ones with another kind of targets in its vicinity.. An interesting mixing can arise.

    Last KAF8300 image as I´m waiting for my new CCD with the 16200 chip. Yes a G3 Moravian..;-). Will arrive mid-December. Now I´m without CCD as I sold my ML8300--


  5. Hi Guys..

    I´m also considering a G3-16200 for my ASA N12 with the 5 positions internal filter wheel .See last conversation about an adapter for ASA 3" corrector. Finally it´s on production ?. I like Plug&play solutions .. No handskill&mechanics headaches here :P  ; even more:  this will go for a hosting/remote telescope and I want to simplify all. 

    Moravian or ASA supplies this adapter in order to fit the camera to the Wynne?..



  6. As in the old vinyl records,sometimes the side "B" had little great songs.

    Eclipsed by the famous SH2-155 "Cave nebula"..,there are some close targets as vdB 155 and some Herbig-Haro (168,169,174) unfrequently imaged (at least  a close up approach).

    This is an interesting area full of diffuse nebula, relections and dust...

    VdB 155, HH 168,169,174 (Cepheus)


    More resolution at :http://afesan.es/Deepspace/slides/vdB%20155%2C%20HH%20168%2C169%2C174%20%28Cepheus%29.html


    Thanks for looking.

    Enjoy summer ! (winter to southern guys ) ;)


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