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Observation planning / request for testers

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Hi guys,


in the last weeks I have been eagerly working on a particular system for my observatory. In short words I wanted to be able to manage my observations using an online system, no matter if using a computer or a smartphone. Having a few telescopes to feed with work is not always easy, so I implemented a multiuser approach.

Basically, one can register himself on the system, insert observation requests, and then the single observatories will fetch the requests and start imaging them at an appropriate time: We have a simple scheduler taking care to avoid the moon when requested and so on.


Now, as with all software related things, I would need some thorough testing of the whole thing. So if any of you is interested, please go to https://skygems-remoteobservatories.com and sign up (it's free of course) and play around with the system. Kindly let me know if something is off, of course  ;)

The images taken during this beta phase will be uploaded for your convenience and you can use them. Maybe I could also implement an open interface to any personal observatory if that would be useful (the coding behind it is not that difficult, I guess).





Hi Christer,


could you tell me what error you got and what you tried exactly to do?

Did you use the normal "Sign up" link, or did you try to use Facebook or Google to sign in?



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