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Everything posted by RamaSpaceShip

  1. Hi Mike, You can copy the following folder "C:\ProgramData\ASA\Autoslew" as a whole (and keep a backup somewhere that you can restore at any time). Best regards and happy year 2017. Bernard
  2. Hi Robert, Thank you for the proposal, but I already found someone some years ago to build my pier adaptor to avoid meridian flips: But Stefan may be interested... Best regards. Bernard
  3. Hi Robert, You're welcome. Best regards. Bernard
  4. Hi Robert, Yes you can copy the whole configuration directory to the new PC. I did that and it works. Others have done so without trouble. It is the recommended method in that case as you keep all the configuration you did. It is even wise and recommended to keep a copy of that configuration directory as a backup somewhere, just in case . See thread http://forum.astrosysteme.com/index.php?/topic/799-getting-old-ini-and-configuration-files-for-new-pc/ Best regards. Bernard
  5. Hi Robert, Sequence is crashing when reading its "ini" file, which seems to be corrupted. Do you have a working backup of your ASA configuration files on another PC? Best regards. Bernard
  6. Hi Robert, On the screenshot there is a "Details" button. Can you click it and copy/paste the associated details. (Copy/paste is better that a screenshot as I can easily translate the result. My german is weak). Best regards. Bernard
  7. Hi Stefan, The number of customers for such an adapter is so low that you won't find it on the shelf. But this is not a complicated piece of metal. Either you can do it by yourself or find someone to do it for you for a reasonable fee. Best regards. Bernard
  8. Hi Nigel, Time setting difference is a constant offset on RA, and so it can be fixed easily when you do the pointing model. This means that it is not really important providing that you keep it. UTC is very helpful as it is independant from the localisation of the telescope, and thus can be shared with people anywhere on earth. It also simplifies time operations. Local time of the telescope is practical when looking at sky maps. Using home local time just makes alarm setting easier. Best regards. Bernard
  9. Hi Pelle, The second one could be for an eyepiece. Is it 2" in diameter? Best regards. Bernard
  10. Hi Nigel, Please send me your equations by email. This is not a big issue. Best regards. Bernard.
  11. Hi Mike, To do a pointing file manually, you need to: - choose a starting star, center it in your eyepiece, and sync on it - click "start pointing file" in the menu. Don't care about the message asking you to sync first, as it's already done - Name your pointing file - use the currently pointed star as the first star, slew to it (should do nothing) and click the ticked target button in the menu bar - then choose another star on the same side of the meridian - slew to it, center it, and click the ticked target button in the menu bar - check the error values in the bottom line of Autoslew, if they are too big, discard the star by clicking the "delete last star" button in the pointing file submenu - repeat the last three steps with as may stars you want on this side - then choose stars on the other side of the meridian - take care that the errors in this case may be big, and you probably should not discard the star in this case (I don't know as I never use the other side) - once you have finished, click "Stop pointing file" in the pointing file submenu - then click the "Calculate configuration" button in the pointing file submenu - you will get a window where you choose "Use now, save and use on next start" - then choose a star near zenith, sleew to it, center it, sync on it - and click "set new home position" You're done. (I wrote this from memory, so I may have forgotten some step, but some other experienced user will hopefully fix it). Best regards. Bernard
  12. Hi Nigel, I have a part of the ACC documentation relative to OK3 focuser settings and usage. Please send me your email address and I will forward it to you. Best regards. Bernard
  13. Hi Max, Did you check your cables? If you have a cable that does not go through the mount, it may influence the balance and create some errors. Such a cable must be attached in a way where it does not create any extra effort to the motors. Best regards. Bernard
  14. Yes, the PC clock is updated. But is it used by Autoslew during tracking? Not sure, but I would not take such a risk, as it can cause steps of several pixels that can kill your image. But mainly, I do not see any benefit of such frequent updates, as the PC clock is precise enough. And if your PC clock is broken, I would suggest to quickly fix it, as using frequent GPS updates may not even be an effective workaround. Bernard
  15. Hi Dave, I prefer the screen. The paper is missing some mandatory features like the search box, cut and paste, etc... Best regards. Bernard
  16. Hi Max, The fact that the PC clock is updated does not mean that Autoslew takes it into account between slews. Anyway, a GPS update every 3 minutes is useless and may have more bad effects that good ones as most applications are not prepared for such clock changes and may react in a weird manner. Such clock updates are highly discouraged (when not completely forbidden) in real time systems, and a PC running Autoslew is one of them. I don't know which benefits you expect from such a high frequency, and I am curious to see figures that show that this is helpful. Mike, I don't know as I don't use a GPS, I use NTP instead, and it is configured to update the clock once per day. But if you update your clock with the GPS at the beginning of your session, it is highly sufficient, as no updates during the session are necessary. Best regards. Bernard
  17. Hi Mike, Did you do a home find at the start of your session? It is mandatory in order to adjust the origin of the (inrfemental) cencoders. If you don't do that, you can have a huge error on the first star, and your pointng may not be acciurate at all. Best regards. Bernard
  18. As Lukas wrote, I sync before starting the pointing file.
  19. It is not as if we didn't complain since years... Is there anyone in this forum that can believe this? Apart from that, a (Linux) command line interface is much more flexible than the current solution. It allows for HTML interface, scripting, and all the facilities we may need. I would like to have it available for my DDM85.
  20. Hi Dave, Never do a sync while making a pointing model as it can confuse the subsequent measures. When I do a pinting file, I always check the values in the bottom line of Autoslew. It the offsets are too big, i remove the star, as I have seen that it creates wrong models. I never do a meridian flip as I use a bent pier. Best regards. Bernard
  21. Hi Luis, Whow!! Absolutely wonderful image. The galaxy seems to be floating in the middle of the space in a very interesting perspective. Thanks to share with us. Best regards. Bernard
  22. Hi all, This does not necessarily mean that ASA wants to create a WIKI. It may also mean that they can allow their intellectual property usage in a WIKI, providing that it fulfils some conditions like explicit copyright notice where appropriate. The "solution" they are looking for could be that list of conditions.
  23. I wonder if we should do this. I understand it will help a lot ASA mount users, but it will mainly help ASA. And I don't like to help someone which knows it can help me and does nothing in that direction. Even worst, they make promisses that never become real. Remind what they wrote in this forum last summer: have you seen anything they claimed?
  24. Hi Nigel, I do have a dual boot notebook for my job since years and I don't have any particular issue with it. But note that it is Windows 10/ Linux, not Windows 10/ Windows 7. Best regards. Bernard
  25. You can only adjust the time between exposures, otherwise you create a step in the tracking that breaks the image. But Autoslew does not know when you start/end your exposures... In fact, the little drift of the PC clock has a good side effect: it creates an automatic dithering every 100 minutes!!! Best regards. Bernard
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